Easy Apple Cake – Sharlotka: A Slice of Russian Delight

In the heart of Russian kitchens, Sharlotka unveils a narrative of simplicity and timeless delight. As apples dance in a golden embrace, this cake emerges as a symbol of tradition and home-baked warmth. Layers of history unfold in each airy crumb—a sponge of heritage where apples, sugar, and eggs intertwine in sweet harmony. Baking, a cultural ritual, transforms humble ingredients into a symphony of flavor. The aroma, an invitation to gather, whispers tales of babushkas and family feasts. With each slice, Sharlotka shares a piece of Russia's culinary soul—a tale of apples, love, and the magic within every homemade creation.

Features of Easy Apple Cake – Sharlotka:

1. Russian Heritage:

 Hailing from Russia, Sharlotka is a beloved apple cake renowned for its simplicity, allowing the fruit's natural sweetness to shine.

2. Minimal Ingredients: 

The beauty of Sharlotka lies in its uncomplicated recipe, requiring basic ingredients like apples, eggs, sugar, and flour.

3. Light and Airy Texture: 

Sharlotka boasts a light, airy texture, akin to a sponge cake, making it a delightful treat for any occasion.

4. Versatile Fruit Base: 

While apples are the traditional star, this cake welcomes variations with other fruits like berries or pears for a personalized touch.

5. Quick Preparation: 

Sharlotka is celebrated for its quick preparation, making it an ideal choice for impromptu gatherings or a sweet craving.

Easy Apple Cake – Sharlotka: A Slice of Russian Delight


Easy Apple Cake – Sharlotka Recipe:


4 large apples, peeled, cored, and thinly sliced

3 large eggs

1 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

A pinch of salt

Powdered sugar for dusting (optional)


1. Preheat and Prepare: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and flour a round cake pan.

2. Fruit Base: Arrange the sliced apples at the bottom of the pan, creating an even layer.

3. Whisk Eggs and Sugar: In a bowl, whisk together eggs and sugar until light and fluffy. Add vanilla extract and mix.

4. Dry Ingredients: Sift in the flour, baking powder, and a pinch of salt. Gently fold until just combined.

5. Assemble the Cake: Pour the batter over the apples, ensuring an even distribution. Tap the pan to remove air bubbles.

6. Bake to Perfection: Bake for 40-45 minutes or until the top is golden and a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

7. Cool and Dust: Allow the Sharlotka to cool before dusting with powdered sugar if desired. Slice and savor the Russian charm in every bite.


Note: Sharlotka is a versatile canvas; experiment with spices like cinnamon or nutmeg for added warmth. Enjoy this Easy Apple Cake as a timeless testament to the artistry of Russian baking.

Common Questions about Easy Apple Cake – Sharlotka :

Q : Can I use any type of apples for Sharlotka?

A : Yes, you can use a variety of apples. Choose those with a balance of sweetness and tartness for the best flavor.

Q : How do I prevent the apples from sinking to the bottom of Sharlotka?

A : To prevent sinking, toss the apple slices in a bit of flour before incorporating them into the batter. This helps them stay evenly distributed.


Q : Can I use whole wheat flour for a healthier version of Sharlotka?

A : Yes, you can substitute whole wheat flour for part or all of the all-purpose flour in Sharlotka for a slightly nuttier and heartier flavor.

Q : Why is it called Sharlotka?

A : The name "Sharlotka" is derived from the word "Charlotte," a term often used for various fruit desserts. It reflects the Russian adaptation of this classic European-style cake.

Q : Can I add spices like cinnamon to Sharlotka?

A : Absolutely! Adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg can enhance the flavor profile of Sharlotka, infusing it with warm and aromatic notes.
